Monday, April 25

The truth is hard, and so are my bad choices

Don't expect this blog to be great, or even good.
I don't stick to most things I do
BUT, in an effort to spite a few friends and my husband we are.

So for at least the next couple weeks, plan on wasting a lot of your time here, with me.
I have important stuff to say .. .. some of which will be about the things I like, but most of which will be mindless, delicious nonsense focusing primarily on the things I don't like: toppers, fame-whores, idiots and sluts.
There will be a lot of that.

Except that I love sluts.

And do us all a favor.. don't get upset while you're here.
There are lots of other blogs out there about cooking and baby jesus that might be more suitable for nice people. So when I tell you that I don't recycle, please don't hate type your well thought out response in angry caps.
Because I don't care.
And only assholes get offended.

Plus, If you're like every other green fanatic out there, you'll take it upon yourself to counteract my selfish life choice and triple your earth saving efforts. Greatly decreasing the chance that the world's largest plastic tampon glacier will melt all over us, and Japan.
Cause they've had enough lately.
This blog is not for the faint-hearted, or ... for pussy's.

But don't get mad at ME. Get mad at the earth for not being smart.
Like my self cleaning oven.

Are we already off to a bad start?
I thought so.